Featured On Youtube!
We love watching science videos on Youtube, and also seeing what creative people can do with our Gems Of Science™️ . Often, they come up with cool videos showing off what they do. Sometimes they put a hundred tons of force on it and see if it'll break. Either way, it's fun and educational!
The nice folks at the Hydraulic Press Channel were kind enough to crush some of our giant sapphires. They have a new high-speed camera which works really well - see what happens when our giant crystals meet an unstoppable force.
Check out the big clear sapphires here!
Hedron, the Gem Dice Faceting Master, just finished cutting one of our laser Christmas Garnets. It's pretty amazing, he did an incredible job, and he ended up incorporating it into his Advent Calendar project.
The gemstones.com team invited us to come to their headquarters and make an educational video! Seeing the behind the scenes for their show was a ton of fun, and we got to feature a lot of our exotic crystals and gemstones.